I’m a Communication Design student at Parsons, passionate about expressive typography and thoughtful design. With a strong attention to detail, I’m eager to expand my craft. Always curious, I see every project as a chance to learn, grow, and push creative boundaries.

I’m a Communication Design student at Parsons, passionate about expressive typography and thoughtful design. With
a strong attention to detail, I’m eager to
expand my craft. Always curious, I see
every project as a chance to learn, grow,
and push creative boundaries.

The Revival


Digital Dilution

Publication * Video

The Revival captures the resurgence of Western culture as the younger generations reimagine its traditions with fresh creativity. Through bold visuals and stories, it highlights how cowboy culture, y'allternative fashion, and modern country music blend authenticity with innovation. This project celebrates the enduring spirit of the West, alive and thriving in a new era.


The Revival

Digital Dilution explores how the transition from analog
to digital media has transformed the way we engage with
time, memory, and identity. Through imagery and text,
the collection examines how the ease and speed of digital technology have distanced us from fully experiencing
the moment. It reflects on the emotional and personal disconnection that has emerged in the shift to a more fragmented, fleeting digital culture.

Out of Frame

Digital Dilution

Publication * Web * Dynamic

Publication * Video

Publication * Video

Panic Like The
House Is On Fire

Out of Frame

Publication * Web * Dynamic Poster


Out of Frame focuses on the intimacy of photo booths
and how a simple curtain draws a boundary between the outside world and an individual's private moment. Through
a collection of photos focusing solely on the bottom half
of individuals inside the booths, I emphasize how even a
brief act of pulling the curtain creates a profound sense of security and personal space.

Panic Like The
House Is On Fire

Earth’s Deadline


Panic Like The House Is On Fire is a noninteractive website inspired by Greta Thunberg’s speech. Reimagining her words as movie credits captures the profound sense of grief that arises when something beautiful reaches its end. Through a stark and minimal presentation, it compels viewers to confront the urgency of our changing climate.

Earth’s Deadline is a documentary highlighting the dire consequences of climate change. The focus is on the date January 1st, 2030, a pivotal moment when climate change
is predicted to become irreversible. This project is a promotional micro website.

Earth’s Deadline


Thank you for looking!

Who am I?

Who am I? ⋆